Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

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Get a cocktail at the Volstead Bar, Sandusky, Ohio When a good friend of mine found out I’d be visiting Sandusky, Ohio, she said, “You have to check out the speakeasy.” Then added, “It’s kinda hard to find.” She was referring to the Volstead Bar, a tiny watering hole housed in a brick building onRead more

Go Geisha for a Day in Kyoto

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Kyoto’s geisha district provides the perfect backdrop for playing dress-up for the day. There’s only about 300 bonafide geishas or apprentices in Kyoto, but you wouldn’t know it judging by the number of women in beautiful floral kimonos walking around the city’s historic Gion District on any given day. When two decked-out girls boarded theRead more

Can you tuna fish?

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Tokyo’s Tsukiji Market buzzes with activity all day long, but to watch the tuna auction in action, you must get up before the sun rises. This is a first. It’s 3 o’clock in the morning and I’m getting ready to go to visit the local market. It’s not just any market, though. Tokyo’s Tsukiji FishRead more

Tune in Tokyo

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You WILL have to adjust the dial when you travel to Japan. It takes a little time getting used to the culture, food and language, but it’s worth it. I just landed in Tokyo in the last 24 hours and I’m just settling in to the apartment I booked with AirBnB.com. When I first walkedRead more

10 Days in Europe; 10 New Things to Try

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There’s a first time for everything. I just didn’t expect to have so many new experiences during one European vacation. Competitours intrigued me from the moment I heard about it. The tour company takes several teams of two across the pond to compete in quirky point-earning challenges over 10 days for the chance to winRead more

Travel Quote of the Week

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“Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote, and I know that I shall be happily infected for the rest of my life.” —Michael Palin Dubbed as the ”Nicest Nomad” by National Geographic, Michael Palin has gone from Monty Python to world explorer, documenting voyages from the North to South poles, across theRead more

8 Reasons to Visit San Marino

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Blink and you might miss the tiny nation-state of San Marino, which clings to its independence on the side of a mountain surrounded on all sides by Italy. If you happen to find yourself near Venice, Bologna or along the Adriatic coast, here are a few things you can do there that are worthy ofRead more

How to get to San Marino

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Have you ever heard of San Marino? Most people haven’t, but it got on my radar thanks to a slight obsession with geographically unique places. San Marino stands out for several reasons. Not only is it the third-smallest country in Europe, but it’s also completely landlocked by Italy and boasts of being the oldest republicRead more

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