Tips for surviving turkey day travel

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The holidays can be stressful, especially when it comes to getting where you want to go. According to the AAA, an estimated 43.4 million Americans will travel over the Thanksgiving holiday, and 3.14 million of them will be boarding a plane. We may not be able to control the weather and possible delays caused byRead more

Travel Quote of the Week

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“Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.” Paul Theroux is an American travel writer and novelist, who has spent more than 50 years wandering the globe. “It is a stimulating way to live my life,” he has said.Read more

Extreme Traveler: Kristian Campana — farflungtravels

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For most people, travel is fun or a work necessity. For others, travel is an obsession. Kristian Campana, founder of, started blogging about festivals in 2009 to help satisfy his travel bug. Since then, he has driven enough miles to circle the globe once. Later this month, he will celebrate his 300th festival atRead more

My “Travel Style” interview with Johnny Jet

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I can’t remember the first time I heard about Johnny Jet, which has become one of the leading travel information websites in the country. It’s just been imprinted on my travel brain for as long as I can recall. Founder John DiScala and his website have been featured more than 2,000 times in major publicationsRead more

Travel Quote of the Week

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“No matter how far a person can go the horizon is still way beyond you.” Zora Neale Hurston (1903-1960) was a folklorist and writer whose work fell into obscurity until Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple, led a revival beginning in the 1970s. Now she’s considered one of the pre-eminent writers of 20th CenturyRead more

Can this caterpillar predict the future?

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Some say the woollybear is the “Punxsutawney Phil” for winter forecasting . . . After spotting this little guy on the sidewalk this morning, it reminded me that the Woollybear Festival in Vermilion, Ohio, is coming up on October 6. Ohio’s largest one-day festival is dedicated to the fuzzy larvae of the Tiger moth, whichRead more

Other-worldly landscape

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There are certain places in the world that look like they should be the setting for a Sci-Fi movie. Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument in New Mexico is a bit like that. The unique landscape is punctuated with cone-shaped hoodoos of soft pumice and tuff, capped with pedestal rocks. The name Kasha-Katuwe, which means “whiteRead more

California’s deadliest beaches

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The rugged beaches along Sonoma coastline are known for their pristine beauty, but danger lurks at the water’s edge. The sign at the end of the parking area at Goat Rock Beach says it all: “This is one of the most deadly beaches in California.” Strong rip currents, violent surf and sudden sleeper waves haveRead more

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