Bargaining Power

Face it. Most women like to shop. But shopping at handicraft markets around the world is akin to shopping for a used car. There’s a lot of haggling back and forth over the price, which has a tendency to put off some people that are accustomed to paying the advertised price. But if you don’tRead more

Journey to the Center of the Earth

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The equator lies about an hour’s drive north of Quito. But until the invention of GPS navigation, the true “line” between the north and south hemispheres was as scientific as someone building a monument and claiming it was located at the equator. Various markers have come and gone in the modern age, but only oneRead more

Animal Attraction

“How much for that chicken?” I asked a man who was strolling through Otavalo’s animal market with a live chicken under his arm. “AHHHHH,”he responded shoving the bird in my arms. “It’s a great chicken. Look here, under the wing. It’s a beautiful yellow color. This is a national chicken. There’s nothing better.” “But howRead more

Not Lost in Transaction

With the economy of the United States weakened under the pressure of the financial crisis, decreases in the value of the U.S. dollar against foreign currency has negatively impacted American travelers abroad. Compared to a year ago, the dollar has lost 10 percent of its value against the Euro, for example, despite temporary rebounds. OnRead more

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